Here to collaborate on the next chapter with you.

  • In writing or living a story, many people find it useful to have an idea of where we are and where we came from. This includes systemic and relational structures, ideas that you may have been recruited into that no longer (or perhaps never did) serve you, and visitors like Anxiety, Self-Doubt, Guilt, Shame, and others.

  • With our maps, we can decide how we might want to continue. Perhaps that might look like laying on a patch of moss and staring into the clouds. Perhaps you have a long, uphill trek that you would like to begin. Perhaps you would like company as you move through the landscape.

  • Humans are collective beings. We thrive in relationship to others and to the land. Who might you share this movement with? Who might you recruit into this story?

    Who might you learn from, and who might learn from you?

  • 24/7* Resources & Phone Lines

    In case of emergency, break glass:

    If you (or someone you hold dear) are facing a situation that might be making your skills, supports, and networks not-so-accessible, here are a few support phone, chat, and text resources.

  • Meet the Menagerie

    Sometimes photos and videos of cute and silly animals are tremendously therapeutic. Since I’m usually unable introduce you to our beasts (Nanuq, Russell, and Hashbrown) in person, I figured giving them their own page on the therapy site would be the next best thing.